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The Engraved Stitches

-the aftermath from the oppressed-
the engraved stitch deals with the multiplicity of the concrete, earth woven mechanisms brought forward by physical, emotional and political borders and territories

This body of work uncovers and dissects certain aspects of a greater platform. Looking into the vulnerabilities of an architectural framework in terms of the formation and drawing of the making and unmaking of borders and territories. The series looks into the written documentation of borders and boundaries on the atlas, the hidden and unhidden. All elements which have been analysed on pen and paper in an architectural discipline.


The engraved stitch deals with the evident stitches and stitching found in communities and countries, at home and abroad, across borders and along borders and deals with issues that are reflected in the work. It comprises of the unstitches and unravelling of the issues in order to understand and allow for a new found platform to be built.

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